WallZilla is an Advanced Wallpaper Manager. It enables you to Create lists of your favorite pictures which it uses to display them as background images on your desktop.
Escape the dull, boring windows backgrounds by making lists of backgrounds you like to see. Be inspired not bored each time you see your desktop. We all have Family pictures which can be used as background, or there are many incredible web-sites with astonishing images which can also be used as background on your desktop.
Make different background lists, and with only One Click change to the list that you'e in the mood of seeing. Landscapes, Family, Nature, Cars or whatever list you might have created. Have fun.
Multi-User support:
WallZilla supports multiple users, Each windows account will have its own lists and settings.
Each user can create a unlimited number of background lists.
Orderd or Random List:
For each list you can specify the order the images are displayed, or you can choose to have them displayed randomly
Advanced display settings:
You can choose the way images are displayed. Maximum stretch of the images, the maximum acceptable percent an image can off-screen.
Ease of use:
Easy, intuitive user interface that that does not take hours and hours to learn.
Free of charge:
Best of all you don't need to pay anything if you don't want to. However, We will accept donation to keep developing free software and keep current software free for all users.